Monday, July 30, 2018

Discover the fascination of creative felt-making

Felt – the oldest textile

We typically think of textiles as the woven cloth used for clothes and soft furnishings.  But it wasn’t always that way. Wool has been used in creative ways for thousands of years.

Felt, made out of wool fibre, is thought to be the oldest known textile. For many people, especially those in nomadic groups, it is still a useful material used to make clothing, rugs, and even tents.

For others of a certain age, felt brings back childhood memories of Fuzzy-Felt pictures made out of those colourful pre-cut felt shapes. Sadly, computer games are more popular with today’s kids.

Fortunately, you don’t have to be a nomad or of any particular age to join in the resurgence of felt-making as a very colourful medium for both practical and artistic use. The group of ladies who joined me for one of my two-day Creative Felt Weekend courses were able to discover just how versatile and colourful felt-making can be.

Creative Felt Weekend

Felt is colourful and very versatile

The Creative Felt Weekends cater for both beginners, and for felt-makers who want to learn how to make more ambitious felt pieces. And the choice of things you can make is extensive.

The ladies who attended this weekend had the choice of making:
A large felt picture
An upholstered footstool
A seamless bag
A pair of slippers
A tea cosy or bowl
A Nuno Felted Scarf
A warm woolly scarf
Needle felted animal or picture

I hired a beautiful converted barn with so much character in a beautiful setting close to Penkridge for the weekend. A couple of ladies stayed in the accommodation there and Janis had travelled all the way from the USA to attend. I ran the course from there, what a treat.

Six ladies attended, many of them were first time felters and jumped in at the deep end and the more advanced level where they made slippers and handbags. I’m happy to say that there were all amazed at what they achieved in such a short time and all of their creations were fabulous.

Many of these items are also taught on my one-day courses.

For details of the next Creative Felt Weekend and all the other courses I offer, please visit the Courses page where you’ll see many more examples of what can be made from felted wool.

Felt picture of a cottage

Felt picture of a cottage

Handbag made of Merino wool

Handbag made of Merino wool

Felt handbags

Felt handbags

Small felt bird detail

Small felt bird detail


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